Preparing for work

Preparing for work - the first in our new series of articles about returning to work after a career break

If you have taken a break from work for any reason or been through a period of unemployment then getting back into the jobs market can be daunting. This blog is the first of a series which will provide advice and practical tips on returning to the workforce. 

The thought of spending a long time searching for a new job can be so demoralising that many people are put off even before they start. If you prepare carefully before you begin your search then you will save time in the long run.  

Spend some time thinking about what sort of job you want. Research the industry and sectors you are interested in, find out where vacancies are advertised and check what skills and experience you will need. Consider all sectors where your experience might be relevant – often work skills are transferable across many different industries. Signing up for relevant newsletters or blogs is a great way to gain industry information.  

Make sure your CV is up to scratch – read our blog here  - and explain any gaps clearly. Employers understand why people may need to take a break from work and may ask questions – think about how you will answer these before going to any interviews. Make the most of any experience you gained while off work – such as volunteering, courses or learning new skills.  

Prepare a great covering letter. Each time you apply for a new job you should tailor your covering letter to that specific role – this is much easier to do if you have a great letter written already that you can edit. We’ll be writing about how to do this later on in our series.  

Check your social media presence. We wrote about this in our blog here but in brief – make sure your social media pages will not put off potential employers. Make use of privacy settings and do not swear, abuse othear, abuse others or post dodgy photos that employers may not like.  

Find a way to keep yourself motivated. When you have had a break from employment it can take a little time to find the right job. If you are prepared for this at the start you will find it easier to handle. Asking around our office we all had different suggestions which included remembering to take time for yourself when you can, eating healthily, spending time away from the computer, getting some fresh air and mindfulness! Work out what works for you, stay positive and don't give up.  

Think about registering with a reputable recruitment agency. Great agencies will have plenty of experience helping people who have taken time out back into work. RecruitAbility is always looking for fantastic candidates – if you have had a career break and would like help finding a new role then do get in touch with us on 01279 758855. 

Posted on Wednesday Jan 23