Hiring in a sellers' market

Today the unemployment rate is at an almost record low of 3.9% - fantastic if you are looking for work but challenging if you are trying to recruit.

At our recruitment agency we can see how quickly the very best candidates are being snapped up by eager employers and would like to share some advice on how you can make sure your firm is employing the best people when candidates are scarce.

Offer the best package possible

Salary is never the only motivator for candidates but it is extremely important. When great candidates are hard to find, offering the best salary possible will certainly help to attract them. Good work benefits can help too – if you offer any flexible working, extra holiday, bonuses or similar then make these very clear when advertising your role.

Be flexible

When hiring you probably have a clear picture of the perfect candidate in your mind. As experienced recruiters we know that having a very detailed list of requirements can help you narrow down the field but it can also hinder your search.

If you ask for candidates with 10+ years of experience in a similar role, or a particularly niche qualification, or experience in a very specific area of sales you may not get many applicants for your role – and you may also dismiss candidates who would be a great fit for your business. 

Our advice is to decide which qualities, experience and qualifications are non-negotiable and which you can compromise on. Go into interviews with an open mind – finding someone with the right drive, motivation and cultural fit is usually a better business decision than going for the person who ticks the most boxes.

Streamline the recruitment process

Job seekers often tell us that they would like the recruitment process to be quicker – this is particularly important at the moment when moving too slowly could mean you miss out on the best candidate. We advise making sure you have a clear recruitment process, including steps and expected timeline, and that you prioritise it in your schedule. Be available to respond to queries and make decisions quickly.

If you would like any advice on your current recruitment process we would love to hear from you. Call us any time on 01279 758855 or email general@recruitability.co.uk 

Posted on Wednesday May 8