Generation Z arrives in the workplace

As the oldest of the next generation, Generation Z, turn 22 this year and arrive in the workplace Wendy takes a brief look at their career expectations and what they will expect from working life.

Lengthy careers

Generation Z will start their careers knowing they have 50+ years of work ahead of them. Unlike the Millennial generation, Gen Z do not expect to change jobs every couple of years. They expect to be loyal to an employer and work their way up the career ladder. 

Different routes to work

Gen Z are very open to the idea of apprenticeships as a route into work. Keen to avoid a large debt burden they are looking for a different path rather than just going off to university as standard. However, they loathe unpaid internships – if your company employs any interns you should pay at least minimum wage. You can find out more about employing apprentices here

Value and opportunities

The new generation want to be happy in their jobs. Gen Z will arrive at your company expecting to stay for the long term and in return they want to know that they are valued. They appreciate plenty of opportunities to learn and progress, flexible working, face-to-face communication and an inclusive, open workplace.

Work with meaning

Knowing they will be working for so many years, Gen Z are particularly invested in finding jobs with meaning. Of course not every employer is directly involved in stopping climate change or replanting rainforest but all workplaces can offer meaning by supporting important causes and getting involved in their communities. Making social purpose a key strand of your business does not have to cost a lot – asking new Gen Z employees about the causes close to their hearts, burnishing your environmental credentials and running regular small charity events like cake sales and raffles will go a long way.

Communications and social skills

As the first truly digital generation, Gen Z have been raised with the internet woven through every strand of their lives. Their digital skills are superb but research shows that their social and communications skills could do with improvement. Gen Z employees may find the workplace daunting and need a little assistance with the soft skills such as confidence and resilience that employers value – offering a comprehensive induction process and an older mentor will help.

At RecruitAbility we work with many new graduates and school leavers looking for a fantastic first job. To see how our experience could benefit you call us on 01279 758855 or visit our website at

Further reading:

What Gen Z Want - Outward Bound

Gen Z set to reshape the workplace - Irish Times



Posted on Wednesday Dec 4