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As of 6th April, there will be changes to Child Benefit payments and thresholds. What is Child Benefit? If you are responsible for raising a child aged 16 or under (or up to age 20 and still in education or training) you are entitled to claim Child Benefit. The allowance paid every four weeks is only paid to one parent or carer. There is no limit to the number of children you can claim for. Currently, you will receive £24 per week for the first (or only) child, then £15.90 for each additional child. The amount you are entitled to receive is means tested. Higher income earners may be liable to a charge if they earn over the set threshold. These thresholds are about to change. What are the changes? Child Benefit payments are increasing to £25.60 per week for the first child, amounting to £102.40 every four weeks. The increase for any subsequent children is £16.95 per week amounting to £67.80 every four weeks. Families with one child will receive an annual allowance of £1,331 per year, an increase of £83.20, and £881 for every additional child, an increase of £54.60. If you are already receiving Child Benefit, you will automatically receive increased payments from 6th April. New parents are encouraged to make a claim online as soon as possible. You could receive your first payment in as little as three days, and claims can be backdated up to three months. Higher income charges From 6th April, families where the highest earner earns up to £60,000 per year will no longer be subject to the High Income Child Benefit Charge . This threshold has increased from £50,000 per year. For those earning £60,000 to £80,000, the amount of child benefit they are entitled to will decrease incrementally. If your income exceeds £80,000, the charge will be equal to Child Benefit payments received. Parents can then choose to opt out of receiving child benefit payments but still receive National Insurance credits if one parent is not working.
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Posted on Friday Apr 5